Natural Brown Board Cartons Set New Industry Standard
Elopak has recorded a significant increase in its sale of Natural Brown Board cartons compared to previous years. Today approximat...

Elopak Reports Advances and Targets in 2019 Sustainability Report
Elopak, a leading global supplier of carton packaging and filling equipment for liquid food, has today published its 2019 Sustaina...

No need to imagine the most sustainable carton – it’s here! Elopak launches Pure...
Elopak, a leading global supplier of carton packaging and filling equipment for liquid food, has launched the Pure-Pak® Imagine, i...

We thank our worldwide teams
“It is Elopak’s primary aim that our
packaging systems leave our customers’ products unchanged and the world
unharmed. We are cons...

Ammerland and Bio ESL milk
Ammerland has chosen to focus on regional farming, bio-based agriculture and renewable resources and launched its certified Bio mi...

A Winning Week for Elopak and our cartons
The winning streak for our aseptic Pure-Pak® cartons with Natural Brown Board continues with Elopak scooping the Best Packaging De...

Elopak makes ground-breaking commitment
Elopak makes ground-breaking decarbonization commitment using science-based 1.5°C target
Elopak has become one of the first com...

Aiming to reduce the environmental impact of water packaging
Fontsoria drives its strategy for more responsible water packaging forward with the launch of its Agua enCaja Mejor brand in Pure-...

Most natural packaging for most natural products
Published on: 26.06.2019
In June 2019 the dairy launched its whole fresh cartons with Natural Brown Board and has removed all c...