
Elopak is committed to conducting business in a responsible manner and to account for social and environmental impact in our value chain.

Making sure that we work with responsible and sustainable suppliers who share our values and commitment regarding responsible business conduct is crucial to reducing risk and avoiding negative impact throughout our supply chain on people, the environment and society.

Our Global Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations and requirements towards suppliers related to anti-corruption and business ethics, human and labor rights, health and safety and the environment. We expect all our suppliers to respect and comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct and have an equivalent code and practice in place towards their suppliers and sub-suppliers.

Elopak works actively to comply with international guidelines and standards and the Supplier Code of Conduct is based on such guidelines including the International Bill of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ILO declarations on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum standards Elopak requires its suppliers to comply with when doing business with Elopak in addition to applicable laws and regulations.

Click on the links below to read our Supplier Code of Conduct and our General terms and conditions.