Revolutionizing purchasing of household products
smol launches refills for frequent use cleaning products through subscribing brands in D-PAK™ cartons.
smol was set up in 2018 ...
Introducing a new filling machine with exceptional hygiene levels that gives fre...
The new filling machine is designed to fill cartons with fresh and extended shelf-life dairy products, fresh and extended shelf-li...
LUORO expand their Paperdent range
LUORO, the first company to launch a mouthwash product in D-PAK™ cartons has expanded Paperdent, it's sustainable dental care rang...
Global brand Tropicana launches first long-life juice
Tropicana has launched its first long-life juice range opening new ambient markets for the global brand. On the market in June acr...
WOVO cracks open new dairy alternative category
Liquid egg pioneer Campomayor has teamed up with Spanish food scientists to develop the world’s first dairy alternative made from ...
Boxed Water™ refreshes the U.S. with watermelon flavour
Our trailblazing customer in the U.S. Boxed Water™ is the leading sustainable water alternative to plastic bottles and aluminium c...
Britvic launches Robinsons super strength squash in Pure-Pak® cartons
Choosing cartons over plastic bottles
Robinsons is a household name in the UK with over 200 years of history, evoking a sen...
Rørosmeieriet and Elopak have a shared vision for sustainability
Rørosmeieriet was the first Norwegian customer to choose our Pure-Pak® cartons made with Natural Brown Board. The rustic, natural ...
German Shoppers Want the Most Sustainable Carton For Plant-Based Drinks, Study S...
A recent study has shown that German consumers want the most environmentally friendly carton packaging possible when purchasing pl...