Alaska Airlines® takes Boxed Water’s Pure-Pak® cartons to new heights
Alaska Airlines has partnered with our customer in the US, Boxed Water Is Better®, to start removing single-use plastic bottles fr...

World’s first technology enables Juste Pressé switch from plastic to cartons
Juste Pressé in France, with its partner juice and smoothie producer Hermes Boissons, has launched the world’s first High Pressure...

Prego launches world’s first feta cheese in Pure-Pak® cartons
Elopak made history in Egypt in June 2021, with the first feta cheese launched in Pure-Pak® cartons in the world. Our customer Pre...

First climate neutral dairy products to Dutch market. Arla organic climate neutr...
In March 2021, Arla Foods introduced the first climate neutral dairy products to the Dutch market. The dairy food giant launched t...

Evolution never stops for Leche Gaza
Global pandemics have not stopped regional Spanish dairy Leche Gaza from reaching some major milestones in its 55-year history. In...

Orkla first to launch soap refills in cartons
New refills for hand soap and detergent reduces plastic.
Orkla Home and Personal Care (OHPC) in Norway has introduced new refil...

Elopak Wins CarbonQuota Sustainability Award
We are proud to announce that Elopak has been presented with the CarbonQuota award for the Most Sustainable Initiative In Print 20...

Boxed Water is now even better
Leading sustainable alternative to plastic bottles in the US
It is now over a decade since Boxed Water is Better® was launched...

Best selling music artist launches ice tea
In February 2021, German rap star Capital Bra will launch his BraTee ice tea brand to millions of fans and consumers through a col...