German Shoppers Want the Most Sustainable Carton For Plant-Based Drinks, Study S...
A recent study has shown that German consumers want the most environmentally friendly carton packaging possible when purchasing pl...

Alpro introduces Totally Nordic Rye – the first ever rye-based dairy alternative...
In 2022, Danone launched Alpro Totally Nordic Rye across Sweden and Finland. The drink is a plant-based alternative to milk and th...

Don Simón first to introduce Pure-Pak® eSense carton
Commercial launch of aluminium-free cartonA leader in the Spanish market for over 130 years, García Carrión is the first to introd...

Theoni gives back to nature
Committed to a sustainable future and the protection of the environment, Theoni launched in 330ml and 500ml Pure-Pak® mini cartons...

Lidl plant-based brand blooms with two new oat drinks
The plant-based food market is one of the fastest growing in the world. Some reports claim it is literally blooming, with one-thir...

Swedish consumers say no to plastic caps
In Spring 2020, Skånemejerier decided to remove the caps on all Hjordnära organic milk in 1 liter cartons, and then let sales figu...